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High Speed Trains

ICExperimental - Germany

the record run:
train - ICE/V 'Versuch'
locomotiv - ICE/V (401 001/002)


trailer - ICE/V (801)

more detailed view locomotiv with the trailer

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ICE - Germany

train - ICE 'InterCityExpress'
locomotiv - ICE (401)


more detailed view of the coaches

trailer - ICE (801)

more detailed view of the trailers

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TGV-001 - France

the record run:
train - TGV 'Trains ŕ Grande Vitesse' - "Turbotrain"
locomotiv - TGV-001


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TGV - France

the record run:
train - TGV 'Trains ŕ Grande Vitesse' - PSE(Paris-Sud Est)
locomotiv - TGV-PSE


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TGV-A - France

the record run:
train - TGV 'Trains ŕ Grande Vitesse' - Atlantique
locomotiv - TGV-A


trailer - TGV-A

more detailed view with the first trailer

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TGV-2N - France

train - TGV 'Trains ŕ Grande Vitesse' - Duplex "Thalys"
locomotiv - TGV-2N


trailer - TGV-2N

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TMST "Eurostar" - Europe

train - TMST "Eurostar"
locomotiv - TMST
trailer - TMST

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AVE - Spain

train - AVE 'Alta velocidad Espan~ola' 100
TAV 'Tren ad Alta Velocidad'
locomotiv - AVE 100

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X 2000 - Sweden

train - X 2000
locomotiv - X 2000

X 2000

trailer - X 2000

steering - X 2000

more detailed view locomotiv with the trailers

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InterCity 225 - Great Britain

train - Intercity 225 Class 91 'High Speed Electric Train'
locomotiv - InterCity 225 - HST

InterCity 225

trailer - InterCity 225
steering - InterCity 225

more detailed view locomotiv with the trailers

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ETR Y 500 - Italy

train - ETR Y 500 'Alta Velocita'
locomotiv - ETR Y 500 (E 404000)

ETR 500

trailer - ETR 500

more detailed view locomotiv with the trailers

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high speed trains

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